Did you know that March 4th
is National Grammar Day?

Martha Brockenbrough, the author of Things That Make Us [Sic] and the founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar, established National Grammar Day in 2008 “for people appalled by bad grammar in public spaces”.

If you are a word nerd like me, you probably already have plans to celebrate National Grammar Day − but if not, here are some ideas:

  • Take an online grammar quiz
  • Watch “Weird Al” Yankovic’s Word Crimes video − and don’t miss what is (obviously) my favourite line: “You really need a full-time proofreader”
  • Check out the resources on the National Grammar Day website, which is hosted by Mignon Fogarty, author of Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
  • Read Rebel with a Clause: Tales and Tips from a Roving Grammarian, a great book by Ellen Jovin, who has been “bringing grammar to the people since 2018” with her Grammar Table, and who probably celebrates National Grammar Day every day!
  • Don’t miss other suggested National Grammar Day activities from National Today − my favourite is Play pin the apostrophe on “it’s”
  • Thank your proofreader or editor
  • Proofread your materials, or ask ProofingQueen to review them

In any case, please do march forth on March 4th − and every day − to speak well, write well and help others do the same!

Cartoon with woman and man standing in front of a table with the sign "Apostophes" and a pile of apostrophes on the table. The woman turns to the man, saying "I really want one. I just don't know where to put it."
Many thanks to Dave Blazek for permission to display his fabulous cartoon! (Yes, this cartoon is more about punctuation than grammar, but it’s all about writing well!)