In addition to proofreading and fact-checking a wide range of materials, there are other services that ProofingQueen offers in her royal court, including editing, PDF markup and preparing style guides. For more about these services, see below or get in touch!


If your material isn’t quite finalized, we can also provide editing services.

Although the line between proofreading and editing is often blurred, editing is essentially a big-picture review to improve flow and readability, while proofreading is a focused review to ensure that there are no errors. Editing evaluates and enhances clarity, conciseness, word choices and paragraph structure, while proofreading checks for consistency, evaluates adherence to a style guide, and ensures accurate spelling and punctuation. If you’re not sure whether your material needs proofreading or editing or both, we would be pleased to give you our thoughts and suggestions.


Once the material you send for review has been thoroughly proofread and fact-checked, we know you don’t want to wait for a herald to show up with a wet piece of parchment that looks like it’s been created by an illiterate court jester.

To solve this problem, we’ve created a PDF markup system that makes it easy for you to understand exactly what changes we’re suggesting, and why. Our eminently useful feedback in the marked-up PDF arrives via email in a easy-to-print format with clear and detailed comments. In our realm, those confusing paper-wasting printouts with electronic sticky notes have been banished to the dungeon!

If you want to know more about our markup options, check out this ProofingQuips post.


A style guide or glossary helps maintain accuracy and consistency. It can include guidelines and information about preferred spelling, punctuation, voice, tone, style, etc. It can also include terms and phrases specific to a company or an industry. By the way, keeping a style guide updated is also essential because language grows and adapts – just like your business!

If a style guide already exists and you can include it when you send us your first job, we’ll ensure we follow your preferred style.

However, if you don’t have a style guide, we’d be very pleased to create one for you or help you develop one, as having a style guide or glossary can save time and ensure professional and consistent copy.